


Mr. 迈克•摩尔




亲爱的先生. 摩尔:

按照你的要求, 我们估计了已探明储量和未来收入, 截至12月31日, 2009, to the 金沙赌场 (Gulfport) 感兴趣 in certain oil and gas properties located in West Cote Blanche 湾田街. 玛丽教区,路易斯安那州. It is our understanding that the proved reserves estimated in this report constitute approximately 27.所有已探明储量的5%归格尔夫波特所有. 本报告中的估计数金沙赌场是在 根据美国的定义和指导方针.S. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)和, with the exception of the exclusion of overhead expenses and future income 税, 符合FASB会计准则编纂主题 采掘活动-石油和天然气. 定义紧随本函之后. 这份报告金沙赌场是为格尔夫波特向美国证券交易委员会提交文件而准备的.

We estimate the net reserves and future net revenue to the Gulfport 感兴趣 in these properties, 截至12月31日, 2009, 金沙赌场是:


     净储量    未来净收入($)


   总计    现值
at 10%


   967,646    540,464    27,469,900    27,025,900


   2,283,124    606,665    39,466,400    30,299,700


   1,776,882    426,165    62,443,800    49,206,300


   5,027,652    1,573,294    129,380,100    106,531,900

所示的石油储量包括 原油和凝析油. 石油 volumes are expressed in barrels that are equivalent to 42 United States gallons. 气体 volumes are expressed in thousands of cubic feet (MCF)。 at standard temperature and pressure bases.

本报告所列的估计数金沙赌场是探明储量的估计数. 按照要求, probable reserves that exist for these properties have not been included. 没有研究 was made to determine whether possible reserves might be established for these properties. This report does not include any value that could be attributed to 感兴趣s in undeveloped acreage beyond those tracts for which undeveloped reserves have 据估计. Reserves categorization conveys the relative degree of certainty; reserves subcategorization is based on development and 生产 status. 的 estimates of reserves and future revenue included herein have not been adjusted for risk.

Future gross revenue to the Gulfport 感兴趣 is prior to deducting state 生产 税. 未来净收入金沙赌场是在扣除这些之后 税, 未来资本成本, 营业费用, 放弃成本,但不考虑联邦所得税. 的 future net revenue has been discounted at an annual rate of 10 percent to determine its present worth. 现值为 shown to indicate the effect of time on the value of money and should not be construed as being the fair market value of the properties.

为 本报告的目的, 我们没有对物业进行任何实地检查, nor did we examine the mechanical operation or condition of the wells and facilities. 我们还没有调查可能的环境问题

liability related to the properties; therefore, 我们的估计不包括任何费用,由于这种可能的责任. 我们对未来收入的估计不包括任何残值 lease and well equipment but do include Gulfport’s estimates of the costs to abandon the wells and 生产 facilities.

使用的价格 this report are based on the 12-month unweighted arithmetic average of the first-day-of-the-month price for the period January through December 2009. 为 oil volumes, the average Shell Trading (US) Company West Texas/New Mexico Intermediate posted 售价$57.90 per barrel is adjusted for quality, transportation fees, and a regional 价格差. 就天然气储量而言,Henry Hub的平均现货价格为3美元.866 per MMBTU is adjusted for energy content, transportation fees, and a regional 价格差. 按照要求, an economic projection is included in the proved developed producing category to account for the incremental income received from certain oil price hedge contracts currently in place. 所有的价格都保持不变 整个物业的生命周期.

租得好 operating costs used in this report are based on operating expense records of 物业运营商Gulfport. 按照要求, lease and well operating costs are limited to direct lease- and field-level costs. Headquarters general and administrative overhead expenses of Gulfport are not included. 租得好 operating costs are held constant 整个物业的生命周期. 资本成本包括修井所需的成本, 新开发井, 生产设备. 未来资本成本在支出之日保持不变.

We have made no investigation of potential gas volume and value imbalances resulting from overdelivery or underdelivery to the Gulfport 感兴趣. 因此, our estimates of reserves and future revenue do not include adjustments for the settlement of any such imbalances; our projections are based on Gulfport receiving its net revenue 感兴趣 share of estimated future gross gas 生产.

的 reserves shown in this report are estimates only and should not be construed as exact quantities. 已探明储量金沙赌场是指 石油和天然气的数量, 通过分析工程和地球科学金沙赌场, can be estimated with reasonable certainty to be economically producible. If the reserves are recovered, the revenues therefrom and the costs related thereto could be 比估计的数量多或少. 因为政府的政策和供需的不确定性, 销售率, 收到的储备价格, and costs incurred in recovering such reserves may vary from assumptions made while 准备这份报告. Estimates of reserves may increase or decrease as a result of future operations, 金沙赌场最新网址状况, 或者法规的变化.

为本报告的目的, 我们使用的技术和经济金沙赌场包括, 但不限于, 测井, 地质地图, 试井金沙赌场, 生产金沙赌场, 历史价格和成本信息, 财产所有权利益. 的 reserves in this report have 据估计 using deterministic methods; these estimates have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted petroleum engineering and evaluation principles. 我们使用了标准的工程和地球科学方法, 或者多种方法的结合, 比如性能分析, 容量分析, 和类比, that we considered to be appropriate and necessary to establish reserves quantities and reserves categorization that conform to SEC definitions and 的指导方针. 这些储量的很大一部分金沙赌场是在管道后区域, non-producing区, 和未开发地区. 因此, these reserves are based on estimates of reservoir volumes and recovery efficiencies along with analogy to 具有相似地质和储层特征的物性. 在评估我们所掌握的有关本报告的资料时, we have excluded from our consideration all matters as to which the controlling interpretation may be legal or 会计,而不金沙赌场是工程和地球科学. 在油气评价的各个方面, there are uncertainties inherent in the interpretation of engineering and geoscience data; therefore, 我们的结论必然只金沙赌场是代表 知情的专业判断.

的 titles to the properties have not been examined by Netherland, Sewell & Associates Inc .). (NSAI), nor has the actual degree or type of 感兴趣 owned been independently confirmed. 我们估计中使用的金沙赌场金沙赌场是从格尔夫波特获得的, 公共金沙赌场源, 和国家安全局的非机密文件被认为金沙赌场是准确的. 支持 地球科学、现场表现和工作金沙赌场都在我们办公室存档. 技术人员

responsible for preparing the reserves estimates presented herein meet the requirements regarding qualifications, 独立, 客观性, 以及标准中规定的保密性 Pertaining to the Estimating and Auditing of 石油 and 气体 Reserves Information promulgated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers. 我们金沙赌场是独立的石油工程师, 地质学家, 地球物理学家, and petrophysicists; we do not own an 感兴趣 in 这些属性并不金沙赌场是在偶然的基础上使用的.





荷兰、西维尔 & ASSOCIATES INC .).





/s/ C.H. (斯科特)里斯三世


C.H. (斯科特)里斯三世,P.E.




/s/德里克. 牛顿




/s/ 迈克K. 诺顿


德里克F. 牛顿,P.E. 97689



迈克K. 诺顿,P.G. 441



